Atty. George S. Mulbah, has affirmed his commitment

Atty. George S. Mulbah, Sr, has confirmed his commitment to implement the Quality Management System (QMS) within the Aeronautical Information Management

The Acting Director General of the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA), Atty. George S. Mulbah, has affirmed his commitment to implement the Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) Quality Management System (QMS) in the member states of the Roberts Flight Information Region (RFIR) that include Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

Acting DG Mulbah conveyed this commitment during the inaugural session of a five-day workshop held from 11th to 15th September 2023, at the RFIR headquarters, at the Roberts International Airport in Margibi County.

In his address, Acting DG Mulbah, emphasized the importance of ensuring the highest standards of aeronautical information management within the RFIR. He stated that the AIM QMS implementation would significantly enhance the quality, accuracy, and reliability of aeronautical information and data critical for safe and efficient air navigation within the West Africa sub region and across Africa.

The workshop, which was conducted by a team of experts, headed by Mr. Fanfe Bamba, Regional Officer for Aeronautical Information Management, at the International Civil Aviation Organization West and Central Africa (ICAO-WACAF), serves as a significant step toward the shared goal of harmonizing Aeronautical Information Services and fostering cooperation among member states of the RFIR. It is expected to provide a platform for knowledge exchange, capacity building, and the development of a robust AIM QMS framework.

With the commitment of the LCAA and the collaborative efforts of all member states, the implementation of the AIM QMS is poised to further strengthen the aviation infrastructure in the RFIR, ultimately contributing to the safety and efficiency of air travel across the region.

The workshop participants included aviation experts, representatives from civil aviation authorities of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, and professionals dedicated to advancing the standards of aeronautical information management. The event is a testament to the dedication of all member states to continuously improve aviation safety and services in the RFI Region.