Liberia Civil Aviation Authority Seeks UNOPS Support for Aviation Sector Advancement
Monrovia, Liberia - April 16, 2024 – The Liberian Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA) Director General, Mr. Julius D. Dennis, Jr., met today with representatives from the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) to discuss potential areas of collaboration for the development of Liberia’s aviation sector. Madame Ifeoma Charles-Monwuba, Director/Representative, headed the UNOPS team. The meeting focused on identifying specific needs and exploring how UNOPS’ expertise and project management capabilities could assist the LCAA in achieving its goals. These goals include:
o Enhancing aviation safety and security standards.
o Modernizing aviation infrastructure
o Strengthening institutional capacity.
Director General Dennis expressed delight in welcoming the UNOPS team to the LCAA. He emphasized UNOPS’ proficiency in Infrastructure, Procurement, and Project Management, areas in which the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA) is challenged and grappling with.
For her part, Madame Ifeoma Charles-Monwuba said that they have partnered with several organizations in developing infrastructural projects and will explore opportunities to source funding for the LCAA. She encouraged the LCCA to write a formal letter requesting support and then an MOU will be couched detailing the contours of the assistance it could render the LCAA.
The LCAA and UNOPS agreed to continue discussions and explore the development of a formal partnership framework. This collaboration has the potential to significantly contribute to the growth and modernization of Liberia's aviation sector, promoting economic development and regional connectivity.